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Reforestation is being heavily pushed globally and throughout the UK to meet environmental targets set out by governments. To capture carbon and improve biodiversity the rate of woodland creation needs to accelerate. 

Drones offer a new solution to reforestation that hasn't previously been readily available.​​

Key Benefits

Speed and Efficiency

Drones are being used globally for reforestation projects. Due to the remarkable speed and efficiency the productivity of restoration projects is increasing and boosting forest growth. In comparison to planting trees by manual labour, the drone is able to cover vast areas and implement effective, large-scale seed planting saving time and costs.

Reach Inaccessible Areas

Certain areas of forestry are sometimes inaccessible by foot or machinery and therefore it can be challenging for reforestation and monitoring. Taking advantage of the drones versatility it is able to easily access these regions enabling the establishment of healthy forestry in those previously hard to reach spots. 

Enhanced Biodiversity

Drones are equipped to distribute seeds precisely and selectively. The nature of this not only enhances the chance of successful germination, but also allows the distribution of seeds to be controlled ensuring a healthier, more diverse and resilient ecosystem.

Reduced Environmental Disruption

The use of drones across forestry minimises habitat disruption and soil disturbance. 

For more information, get in touch today

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